Hi there! Meet Studinty
The #1 free app for students to connect with fellow students
Connect with Fellow Students, Anytime, Anywhere
Curious about who else is studying in your city or campus? Maybe you are gearing up for a study abroad experience but feeling a bit like you’re flying solo?
Don’t worry—Studinty has your back! Our app helps you find and connect with fellow students, whether they are currently in your city or heading to the same destination as you.
Add up to three cities and discover who else from around the globe is studying or planning to study there during the same period. Start building your network!
Shape Your Social Circle
Take control of your social life by using filters to find fellow students based on your interests, university, field of study, age, gender, language, nationality, and more. Studinty makes it simple to connect with like-minded people, stay socially active, and build friendships that can last a lifetime.
Boost your social life with ease—your community is just a tap away!
Get the Most Out of Studinty
No matter where you study, the Studinty app helps you settle in and connect with others. Here’s a look at the key features available for all students:

"Studinty makes it easy to build your social circle and feel at home, wherever ever you study."
Connect With Fellow Students Anytime, Anywhere
Build your social circle effortlessly
No matter what, where you are studying, Studinty helps you connect with like-minded students.
It’s not just about what you study, but who you study with.
Studinty lets you ‘unlock’ any city and connect with fellow students. Now, you get to choose who you surround yourself with.
Want to improve your Spanish skills? Easily find Spanish-speaking students in your city with Studinty. Interested in classical music or a specific sport? Filter by interests and discover others who share your passions. The possibilities are endless!

"Studinty helps you find others planning to study at the same campus, place, and time, so you can connect with them."
Start Now
Download the FREE app — create your profile and start connecting with your fellow students today!
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